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Journey Bags
Journey Bags provide a tangible way to meet some of the needs of a child in crisis.
A child often arrives at their new home with nothing but the clothes they have on.
Journey Bags help to provide a little hope and meet a physical need during a scary time.
Journey Bag FAQ's

Q. What are they?
A. Journey Bags are brand new backpacks filled with age specific essentials like clothes, toiletries, diapers, books, and activities.
Q. Who are they for?
A. For kids, ages newborn to teen, either going into or already in foster care.
Q. How do I get a bag for my foster child?
A. Just click the button above 'get a bag' and we will get one to you!
Q. How can I fill a bag for a foster child?
A. Just click the button above 'give a bag' and we will be in touch!
Q. How much does it cost to fill a bag?
A. It costs roughly $125-150 to fill a journey bag. Church groups or multiple families often team up to fill bags.
Q. What do I put inside?
A. The contents will vary depending on the age
and gender. Each bag comes with a list of what must be included.
Q. Can I add additional items or just purchase what I can afford?
A. We ask that you stick to the list provided so that
each child receives roughly the same items. Sibling groups often receive Journey Bags at the same time and we want each child to feel special as they open up a bag. If you cannot fill an entire bag, please see our 'give' page for other ways to support the foster care community.
Here's an example of a 2T girl Journey Bag.

1 Baby/Kid Wash
1 Baby Lotion
1 Comb or Brush
1 reusable water bottle
2 Pajamas
2 Outfits
1 Small pack of socks
1 Small pack of underwear
1 Soft Blanket
1 Stuffed Animal
1 Book
1 Activity Book & 1 Pack of Crayons
1 Jesus Storybook Bible
1 Small Toy
1 Kids toothbrush and toothpaste
1 Small pack of hair ties
An encouraging anonymous note
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